Friday, August 29, 2008

Yet Another 360 Exclusive Falls Short

Square Enix's exclusive 360 JRPG titled, Infinite Undiscovery was recently reviewed at Gampro.

The Ups: Good Graphics

The Downs: Linear Gameplay, Flat characters and story, terrible slowdown

mostly a 'been there done that' feel

Hey 360 owners, you can still brag about all your crappy exclusives and add that to the list, even with the recent Too Human game, that was also short of spectacular. Epic Fail. Oh, lets not forget Lost Odyssey and Ninety Nine Nights, just cuz the 360 has more exclusives out, that doesn't mean they're good at all, it's just dead weight to be able to say they have more, just like the XBLA. Suck on that xbots. In the future, 360 owners have NOTHING. Afters Gears, and Fable, you have nothing. muah hahahaha

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