Since the dawn of man, drinking has become a way to...party. Okay, I'm going to discuss, things like
Mixed Drinks Vs Beers. Beer is supposedly the man's drink, but who decided this? society? Why isn't it okay for guys to like a drink that
clearly tastes better, and which you can alter the alcohol content to your desire. I like mixed drinks, they taste great, i can get drunk as fast or as slow as I want to, but at what cost? my manhood? uughh. Beer is great I don't mind it, but it comes across as
bitter compared to
sweet mixed drinks or coolers. Who can deny a blueberry rum cooler? Why is it okay to have jager bombs? cuz the youtube video has a bunch of gino guys drinking it? tisk tisk.
I'll drink whatever I want to, and I don't care what you call me. Coolers, mixed drinks, cocktails, jager bombs, beers, ales, brewskies...we must look past their labels, these drinks are designed with one common goal in mind, to get us wasted for the good and sake of partying. Drink Responsibily, cheers.
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