Monday, August 18, 2008

Games That Should Make Their Return To PS3

Seeing games like Ratchet and Clank make it's transition onto PS3 was amazing: animation, visuals, and witty humour along with story telling that rivals Pixar, its a wonderful thing. It makes me think of all the other games that were on PS2 that need to make a comeback.
Zone of Enders 3 - Konami's mech game, produced and developed by the same people behind Metal Gear Solid, nuff said

Twisted Metal - The series began in 1995, and is the 140th best selling video game franchise. We'll be seeing this one very soon

Jak and Daxter - From the people that brought us the visually breathtaking and cinematic Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, I want to see Jak and Daxter in HD with a story and look that will blur the line between Games and Pixar films

Sly Cooper - This one needs to make a return!

Final Fantasy VII Remake - Fans around the world want to see a Playstation 3 remake of this modern classic. Unforgettable characters and a rich universe begging to be revisisted and experienced by gamers everywhere. Since Sony published the game, it has to be exclusive

Kingdom Hearts 3 - I want to see moer Pirates of the Carribean in this, some Mighty Ducks, and some Pixar worlds like Ratatouille and The Incredibles. More of everything!

Dino Crisis - It's everything that Jurassic Park wishes it could be. And if you're going to waste the light-gun peripheral on shit like Time Crisis 4, then at least try making a GOOD game with it. Dino Crisis is long overdue for a revival, and Turok just doesn't provide the right kind of human-versus-dinosaur combat.

Bushido Blade - One-on-one sword combat never got the professional treatment it deserved until Bushido Blade hit the scene. With various weapons to select, strict rules of combat, and a pretty compelling set of characters, it's a wonder that no Bushido sequel has been made for the PS3, been waiting for a samurai game

Legend of Dragoon - One of the most underrated games in the PlayStation library, The Legend of Dragoon was an RPG that had a refreshing combat system, relying on timed button presses and a bit of strategy. Also, it was really fucking cool to watch your character transform into a mythic, winged warrior. While the game wrapped things up nicely, there's plenty of room in a prequel to tell the story of Rose and her past life as the Black Dragoon.

Fear Effect 3 - PS3 sequel to the psone hit

Others: Dark Cloud 3, Onimusha, Ape Escape, War of the Monsters, MediEvil

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