Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pineapple Express Review!!

Another great movie to add to 40yr old virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express stars Freaks and Geek's Seth Rogen and James Franco in this action-stoner-buddy comedy. Rogen plays Dale Denton, and Franco plays Rogen's pot dealer, Saul, who is the only person in town to have the rarest, dopest dope you've ever smoked, Pineapple Express, which is pot grown in a specific part of the world where the weather and wind currents mixes in with the weed in a very special way. Moving, Dale witnesses a murder and the corrupt bastard cops are out for him.

I've heard from a few people that it is a sh*t movie, that you would only enjoy if you were high. While this may be true, it isn't in some cases depending on your sense of humour. I enjoyed the movie, sober, while I do believe it may be even more hilarious if high. I'm not sure if these actors were actually high during the movie, but their performances and writing, are amazing. Everything they said, and the way they did, their performances, if I was high, would do the same, it reminded me of my stone aged days. A nice tough. Overall, just go see it for yourself, its a nice summer stoner action comedy.


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