Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RockStar Making Exclusive Title for PS3

"We've been hearing for months that Max Payne 3 is in the works, but this month we got something a bit juicier to add to this rumor: Original Max Payne developers Remedy Entertainment are currently too busy working on Alan Wake to even consider developing the new Payne sequel. Instead, the next-gen noir shooter will be handled by the same internal Rockstar team that created The Warriors. And perhaps even more exciting, we've got word that Rockstar is still hard at work on an unannounced PlayStation 3 exclusive. Who's making it? Why, just the guys behind a little-known Rockstar release from earlier in the year.... "

seems like thinks it's a Max Payne game. I doubt it though, the movie comes out in October I think, most movie games are rushed, unless this isn't a tie in game. And for that matter, i doubt it'll be exclusive because Max Payne has appeared on PC over the years. Although RockStar games has said they are making something exclusive, only possible using PS3 hardware power. We'll see.

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