Sunday, August 31, 2008

Uncharted 2 - What I Want

K the thing is, Sony has given the approval to Naughty Dog to make Uncharted 2, the thing is, we know very little details, for example, where it'll take place, rumours fly around about the mythical city of Atlantis, temples of India, something about ninjas...Atlantis sounds cooler than India and Ninjas though haha. Although i only played a bit of the game, i think there's work to be done in some areas
Bigger Levels - Instead of Linear Gameplay, I think levels should be more expansive, less linear, and that means, there's more to discover, treasures to find, and things to investigate etc. Don't just make it open space or uselessness, fill that bigger environment with something fun or something along those lines of not useless space
Branching Story - the thing about Uncharted 1 is that the story was very linear and there was only one way to do things. I believe that there should be branching story pathes that differ how the game plays out depending on which choices to make.
Refined Shooting Mechanics - all i can say is, if it can be as tight as Gears of War, its all good
Multiplayer - playing with a friend, online or offline is fun either way, put in headset capabilities, and thats another plus. Have the host play as Drake and the other person as the other character that would defaulty be AI. If the shooting gameplay as tweaked for maximum goodness, you can even set up a multiplayer game like Gears. Feature game modes like, one team has to steal an archeological item from the defending team, or you must destroy the other teams artifact, basic death match, team deathmatch, etc.
basically expand on the best parts of the last game

Met The Weirdest Person Yesterday

So i was hangin out with some pals, you kno, suckin back on the old thing that weed goes into, sippin on some beers, when his friends arrive, and the one dude, freakin hilarious but the other guy, he is the weirdest person. First of all, he tells "jokes" like, old school jokes, like from joke book jokes, talks about stories that teachers tell, like the eureka story, and how a mathematician "found it, eureka!" it was so fkin weird...and just, wow. the most entertaining, and...awkward thing ever.

on a positive note, i look forward to buying a movie, Speed Racer on blu ray. cuz itll look insane.

Mercenaries 2 Review

IGN - 7.9 "Good, but unpolished"
i might personally check this out on a rent, but then again, i also have to rent Uncharted: Drake's Fortune before, and probably Star Wars: TFU before this.

Friday, August 29, 2008

PS3 Passes 15 Million Units Sold

"The Playstation 3 has just passed the 15 million mark according to VGChartz. If things carry on like they are doing sales will reach towards the 20 million mark by Janauary.
The PS3 has been outselling the Xbox 360 week by week since November/December of 2007. With more fantastic releases coming up including LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 and Socom: Confrontation things can only get better." -
keyphrase, PS3 has been outselling 360 week by week since November 2007, suck on that xbots.
with games like:
GT5 Prologue
Metal Gear Solid 4
Socom: Confrontation
Resistance 2
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Disgaea 3
Killzone 2
God of War III
Heavy Rain
White Knight Chronicles
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
untitled Team Ico project
there's plenty down the pipeline from PS3 owners. PLENTY

Yet Another 360 Exclusive Falls Short

Square Enix's exclusive 360 JRPG titled, Infinite Undiscovery was recently reviewed at Gampro.

The Ups: Good Graphics

The Downs: Linear Gameplay, Flat characters and story, terrible slowdown

mostly a 'been there done that' feel

Hey 360 owners, you can still brag about all your crappy exclusives and add that to the list, even with the recent Too Human game, that was also short of spectacular. Epic Fail. Oh, lets not forget Lost Odyssey and Ninety Nine Nights, just cuz the 360 has more exclusives out, that doesn't mean they're good at all, it's just dead weight to be able to say they have more, just like the XBLA. Suck on that xbots. In the future, 360 owners have NOTHING. Afters Gears, and Fable, you have nothing. muah hahahaha

Ghostbusters The Video Game Situation

Okay, Recently Activision merged with Blizzard. And the result was that some games were cut. Brutal Legend and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (developed by Terminal Reality) were among them. Now, Ghostbusters has no publisher, HOWEVER, I believe that Sony should get the rights to publish this game, and make it exclusive, it would only be right since the Ghostbusters franchise belongs to Sony Pictures, and PS3 owners wouldn't mind an exclusive.

New Max Payne Trailer

What? Far Cry 2 Gonna Look Better On PS3 than 360??

"The developer says that the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC versions have been developed from the same core build, so they'll all share the same features," wrote Gamespot's Guy Crocker. "While we didn't see the PS3 version, it's claimed that the aliasing on Sony's machine outperforms that of the 360, while on the PC it's all dependent on the specifications of your machine."
This just adds more to the, games will look better and are gonna look better on PS3, just like ID's new game, Rage, from the people that brought us, Quake, Wolfenstein and Doom.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RockStar Making Exclusive Title for PS3

"We've been hearing for months that Max Payne 3 is in the works, but this month we got something a bit juicier to add to this rumor: Original Max Payne developers Remedy Entertainment are currently too busy working on Alan Wake to even consider developing the new Payne sequel. Instead, the next-gen noir shooter will be handled by the same internal Rockstar team that created The Warriors. And perhaps even more exciting, we've got word that Rockstar is still hard at work on an unannounced PlayStation 3 exclusive. Who's making it? Why, just the guys behind a little-known Rockstar release from earlier in the year.... "

seems like thinks it's a Max Payne game. I doubt it though, the movie comes out in October I think, most movie games are rushed, unless this isn't a tie in game. And for that matter, i doubt it'll be exclusive because Max Payne has appeared on PC over the years. Although RockStar games has said they are making something exclusive, only possible using PS3 hardware power. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Valve Re-Evaluating Their Feelings Towards PS3

For those of you don't know, the people at Valve, and their co founder Gabe Newell absolutely hates the PS3, they'd rather develop games easier on PC, and the 360 which has a similar architecture, while the PS3's arc is very complex and intricate. They didn't even bother to make the PS3's version of The Orange Box themselves, they were approached by EA and the development team at EA did the porting, and they didn't even get all the bugs out of the game for the PS3 version.

Well now, it looks like they better swallow their own words, cuz the PS3 is selling, and making money. They are re evaluating their stance towards the rising success of the PS3:

"We're always evaluating what's happening in the marketplace and certainly something that's happening in the last couple of months is that Sony's managed to sell some boxes," said Lombardi."So whether or not you like developing for that platform, if they've got millions of people connected to that platform and buying their games you have to take it seriously."

New FFXIII Screenshawts

images courtesy of IGN
FFXIII expected in late 2009, and a demo released with FFVII: AC in Mar 09

New LittleBigTrailer

Kojima Wants Xbots to Stop Asking for MGS4 Port

Creator, producer, writer, director of the exclusive PS3 stealth espionage action title Metal Gear Solid 4, Hideo Kojima wants all of you Xbots to stop asking for a 360 port of MGS4. He is tired and annoyed of it.

The article quotes Kojima saying that a 360 version is nearly impossible because MGS4 is designed, created and optimized specifically for the PS3.

He would rather interviewers and people ask about future projects of the company, rather than the persistant "will you port MGS4 to 360?"

MotorStorm Pacific Rift Screenshots

Monday, August 25, 2008

Resistance 2 Screenshots

Xbox 360 Price Cuts - Reflections

Recently, there are rumours circulating about Xbox 360's getting a pricecut across all models, that means, the Arcade Model, the Premium and Elite.
It says the Arcade Model which packs, a 512MB memory card substituted for a harddrive, a wired controller, and a disc with mini games for $199.
The Premium Model, targetted to hardcore gamers, contains a 20 GB Harddrive, a wireless controller, ethernet cable(s), an xbox live headset and I believe thats it, for $299 and ofcourse the is the Elite, which has a 120GB harddrive I believe, for $399.
This just makes me wonder, why are they cutting the price, in the last few monthes, the 360 hasn't been selling well at all. Anywhere. It's been in dead last in every monthes NPD reports. Yes, for you xbots trolling the forums, the PS3 has been outselling the 360 every monthes except for April, and one other month. The 360 however has a great installed base in NA, but that's it. Basically those who wanted a 360 have it, and no one else wants it. It's nearly reached its peak sale in NA. So how do you get to sell more consoles? price cut.
Or maybe it's just like how as new technology comes out, older consoles become obsolete and drop in price, in an interview a Microsoft representative said Microsoft would love to be the first to bring out another new console before everyone else, which begs the question, do we need a new set of consoles already? The original Xbox was out only 4 years before they brought out the Xbox 360, and right now, it's almost been 4 years since the release of the 360...with hardware inferior to the PS3, and limitations galore, I can see why. PS3 games are starting to distance themselves in visuals, look at Uncharted, MGS4, and soon, Heavy Rain, and reported God of War 3 which will look like Beowulf. A $59.99 subsription to play online, vs a free online hdmi or real HD capabilities, limited storage ability on 360 game discs and a high rate of failure, plagues the system. 360, Epic Fail, sorry.

Fave Character from The Office

It's a tough one, I love almost everyone from The Office, but if I had to choose someone it would be Jim Halpert. He is light hearted, funny, and overall probably great to be around and sort of relatable. He is one of the few workers at The Office, that recognizes Michael Scott's good personality and appreciates their friendship (despite Michael's ability to show his good personality) unlike other workers who would consider Michael an ignorant immature jerk. Jim knows that Michael's heart is in the right place, and just wants the office to be fun. Throughout the seasons we've seen Jim's growing crush on the engaged Pam Beesly, and it just strikes a chord to know what it feels like to fall for a girl who is taken. But now season 4, he is now with that special girl, Pam, so props, miracles do come true. I've taken The Office personality test, and it said I was most relatable to Jim haha, so bonus. Also, his pranks on Dwight are classic, but deep down inside, I think we all know, those pranks are just a way of showing his appreciation for Dwight. In that episode where Dwight is fired, Jim admits "Congratulations universe, I miss Dwight." On an ending note, overall, he's my favourite character because he is relatable, possesses positivity and the pranks are unforgettable

NHL 09

I Want Mercs 2

August 31st

Stella Artois PSP

Rumour: Crysis Coming To PS3 Later in 09

From "According to a PSU source, Crytek is planning to release Crysis bundled with the new expansion Warhead on the Xbox 360 in Q4 2008 - Q1 2009, followed by a PlayStation 3 version in Q1-Q2 of 2009.Our source explains that Crytek is focusing on each systems threading core, and that the team is taking their time with the PS3 version, learning to utilize the Cell processor as effectively as possible in order to push higher quality textures, improved A.I., and more."
Hope it ends up great!

Desert Island 3 Games

If i was stranded on a desert island with only 5 games to play for the rest of my days, without knowing if I would ever be rescued, found or not. I would bring these 5 games to play, in no specific order:

Wii Sports - Even though I'd probably be by myself on the island, this game will surely take up some time in my daily boringness.

Rock Band w/downloaded content - although I like Guitar Hero more, since the songs are harder, Rock Band ultimately has more songs, and the songs are more diverse.

Roller Coaster Tycoon - stranded on a desert island, thought it'd be fun to make my own theme a game, this is the trailer to the 3rd one.

Heavy Rain Interview

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Urban Olympics!!

5 Fave Video Games of All Time

5. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - with astonishing visuals, an epic musical score, story telling, and clever witty humour that rivals Pixar, who can complain about this title. R&C Future offers doses of platforming and a number of ridiculously awesome weapons, I had a lot of fun with this game, and it has a spot on my shelf.

4. Bioshock - creepy, scary, horrific, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, this is the game of the year. The brooding atmosphere of Rapture, it's a utopia gone wrong. The soundtrack is like a blockbuster horror, everything in this game is absolutely movie quality, that's why it's now being made into a movie.

3. Kingdom Hearts - The wonderful world of Disney, and Final Fantasy characters, I dunno, I just love this game, it struck a chord. Sora was relatable and likeable, and the musical score was just beautiful. The sense of just leaving home, running away on an adventure with new friends, and those who have hearts.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4 - I have never played a single Metal Gear Solid game previous to this one, I had no idea what the fuss was about, great gameplay, one of the best graphics out there today, and an incredibly deep story, the strucutre of the game is just amazing. Near the end of the game, similarly to a movie, the climax is just epic.

1. Final Fantasy X - I think this is my favourite game of all time, I can't think of anything else, no other game has made me care about these characters, the story was engaging and incredible, it had gorgeous graphics for it's time, and intuitive puzzles, and was incredibly story drive, it was a milestone and almost ahead of it's time back in 2002. The world of Spira, was a remarkable adventure for me. Clearly my words to describe this game are an understatement, it is something not to be described, but experienced first hand. Here's a decent fan made trailer:

Hellboy Audition

Pineapple Express Review!!

Another great movie to add to 40yr old virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express stars Freaks and Geek's Seth Rogen and James Franco in this action-stoner-buddy comedy. Rogen plays Dale Denton, and Franco plays Rogen's pot dealer, Saul, who is the only person in town to have the rarest, dopest dope you've ever smoked, Pineapple Express, which is pot grown in a specific part of the world where the weather and wind currents mixes in with the weed in a very special way. Moving, Dale witnesses a murder and the corrupt bastard cops are out for him.

I've heard from a few people that it is a sh*t movie, that you would only enjoy if you were high. While this may be true, it isn't in some cases depending on your sense of humour. I enjoyed the movie, sober, while I do believe it may be even more hilarious if high. I'm not sure if these actors were actually high during the movie, but their performances and writing, are amazing. Everything they said, and the way they did, their performances, if I was high, would do the same, it reminded me of my stone aged days. A nice tough. Overall, just go see it for yourself, its a nice summer stoner action comedy.


InFamous - lookin forward to it

InFamous, developed by SuckerPunch, the same creative team behind the great Sly Cooper games. A trio of mascots, Sly Cooper - SuckerPunch, Ratchet & Clank - Insomniac, and Jak & Daxter - Naughty Dog. These three developers are now making their mark on the next gen PlayStation 3 with, Resistance, Uncharted and now InFamous. I look foward to this game in 2009, here's the trailer:

Friday, August 22, 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is the new upcoming game by Lucas Arts, which tells the story of Darth Vader's secret apprentice. The story takes place between Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and Episode IV: A New Hope, and explores the aftermath of the Great Jedi Purge and the Rise of Darth Vader.

The Force Unleashed

I recently just downloaded the PSN demo of this game, and I have to say it's pretty solid. The game's graphics are superb, and the physics are top notch, just like the developers were talking about. The demo consists of you, the secret apprentice, sent to this base to wipe out anyone and everything there. The game although, built from the ground up on next gen platforms, has a sort of Battlefront vibe to it. I also found myself having to wait for my "force" to recharge in order to keep tossing things at the enemies, which I found sort of annoying and the quick time events near the end of the demo, which includes battling a walker, was quite annoying. The soundtrack however, and the trailer that followed finishing the demo, are incredible though. If I had to base an entire review from this demo, it would get a 7.8/10, great but it lacks a certain touch in my opinion...or just, it could be way better, just my two cents

Update: I realized what that lack of certain touch was, it was more of the story, the story of the secret apprentice, overall I actually enjoyed the demo the more I played it, looking forward to the real deal.

God of War III To Look Like Beowulf

On GameSpot's The HotSpot podcast, at 00:58:50, "I've heard through a various of sources that the level of realism in God of War, as far as graphics go, like that was shown in the trailer, is very close, like uncanny valley close; like looking like Beowulf.";picks;story;1

God Of War III Teaser Trailer

Resident Evil 5 developer walkthrough

Seriously, I can't wait for this game, playing co-op with headsets and all with someone, like participating in a zombie movie, gonna be sickkkk.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tropic Thunder Review!!

It's pretty late at night so this review will be just decent. Tropic Thunder is about a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie that are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying, through a series of freak occurences. It stars Ben Stiller as Tugg Speedman, an A-List actor that is slowly fading thanks to failed sequels of his action films, and unsuccessful films such as Simple Jack. To Speedman, this war film, could ultimately bring life back into his career and shoot him back to the stop. Stiller shares the spotlight with Robert Downey Jr, who plays Kirk Lazarus, an multiple oscar winning actor known for his extreme immersion of the roles he plays, and comedian Jeff Portnoy, played by Jack Black.

These actors along with a few more, Brandon T Jackson, and Jay are thrust into the jungle, which is rigged with hidden cameras to capture in the moment scenes. The comedy in my opinion is great, and I loved it. Scenes develop who the characters are, and the viewer can get a grasp on understanding the issues. The performances are top notch, the scene may have a serious ominous tone, and the actor may be very convincing and in the moment, but what makes it hysterical is the words that are coming out of his mouth. It's priceless. This movie may be satire or parody, it doesn't matter, as long as the viewer enjoyed it, and I enjoyed it. Overall, it was a fun watch, and I could probably watch it again. Seeing Robert Downey Jr portray a black man is worth the $9.00 to see this.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Fking Seth Rogen

10 Signs You'll Get Lucky

I was recently reading some top 10 stuff on, and here's an interesting top 10. Being a guy, the game is really hard to play, especially for some newbs, dating or just hooking up or even the beginning of a new friendship that could go a bit further is such a game of give and take, you gotta be able to separate the teases from the genuine. Here are some signs that you might get lucky!!

10: She Buys You A Drink - "If she offers to buy you a drink, it is a clear indication that she is confident and goes after what she wants. It is also an invitation to join her, and potentially keep her company for the remainder of the evening"

9: She Touches You - "Body language is the key to knowing whether or not a woman is into you. If she touches you affectionately on the arm or leg in the midst of conversation, chances are that she’d like to take that touching to a more intimate place later on."

8: She Compliments You - "Women aren’t the only ones who enjoy compliments; men like their egos fed too -- a trick most women know. So, if she’s going on a complimenting rampage about your physical appearance or the smell of your cologne, you can take that as a sign that you’ll probably get some kind of action by closing time."

7: She's Making Eye Contact - "Maintaining prolonged eye contact (i.e., longer than five seconds) with you during your conversation shows that she likes what she sees and isn’t afraid to explore it further."

6: She Lets You Touch Her - "If she’s touching you, take that as an invite to return the favor. By allowing you to touch her affectionately or not shying away from any accidental touches to her hand or leg, she’s showing you that she’s comfortable with you and attracted to you. These are two probable signs you’ll get lucky by the end of the night"

5: She Leans In - "When talking to someone they’re not interested in, both men and women ensure to maintain their personal space so the other person doesn’t get the wrong idea. So, if your woman of interest leans in while talking to you, you can interpret it as a clear sign that she is comfortable sharing her personal space with you, and probably wouldn’t mind sharing her private space with you too."

4: She Shares Private Details - "A woman won’t open up to just anyone; she needs to feel comfortable and safe with the person she divulges personal information to. So, if you find yourself engaging in a conversation in which she’s sharing personal or emotional information, read it as an act of being open to receiving physical consolation from you."

3: She Starts Talking Dirty - "No sign you’ll get lucky can be more clear than this one. If she starts engaging in a sexual conversation with you -- she tells you what she likes, she asks you what you like, she tells you about past experiences, etc. -- you can be sure that she’s flirting with you in the hopes of taking your relationship to the next level."

2: She Shows You Her Tattoo - "Some things are only meant for certain eyes to see, especially when it comes to private features on intimate body parts, like a tattoo on her lower back or a birthmark on her breast. If she raises her shirt to show you anything of the sort, she’s giving you a glimpse of what you could have later on if you make a move"

1: She Splits A Cab With You - "If, by the end of the night, you still haven’t worked up the courage to ask her to your place, she may leave at the same time as you or even go so far as to offer to split a cab ride with you. Consider this your last chance to get lucky for the night."

"There is no scientific formula to help predict how your evening will end. But if you take the time to be aware of these small signs, you can be sure that your success rate for “scoring” with women will increase significantly."

Here's the original article

Uncharted: DF Should Be Cheaper!!

It's been about a year since Naughty Dog's treasure hunter, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune has been out. Despite it being in the bargain lineup of Europe's Platinum Hits (known as Greatest Hits in North America), it has not lowered it's price here. In major retailers, Uncharted is still $59.99 and even the preowned copies are getting into the spirit of high prices, set at $54.99!! Only three letters can describe this, "WTF". I understand Naughty Dog probably wants to make as much money possible with this game, since they put a lot into it, despite it's short length, but I think it's about time for it to be lowered in price.

WipeOut HD for PS3

Nintendo has Mario Kart, Microsoft has...ummm, yeah, and Sony is bringing back it's racer in which has weapons too, it's a little thing called WipeOut HD, that runs at 60 frames per second, in glorious 1080p.


Heavy Rain is an upcoming game developed by Quantic Dream, and published by SCEE, exclusively for the Playstation 3. Firstly this game will feature breathtaking visuals that take advantage of the PS3's cell power, and will be a mystery/thriller, I really can't wait. Game's like this will start to make stuff on other systems look really outdated. Here's the new gameplay trailer from Leipzig's Gaming Convention:


Heat Vision and Jack was created as a 1999 pilot for Fox. Written by Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab, directed by Ben Stiller, this series was passed over by Fox despite critical acclaim from those who've been lucky enough to see it.

The 30 minute pilot is about an astronaut (played by Jack Black) with a medical secret who is on the run from the evil Ron Silver and the rest of NASA, with the help of a talking motorcycle called Heat Vision (voiced by Owen Wilson). Honestly...what more can you ask for?

Killzone 2 Multiplayer Trailer

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pick Up Lines

I've just been thinking about some pick up lines I have heard in movies, lines that are so far out there, so shocking it could either work amazingly or go completey the other way and be miserably wrong.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - "I find you [both] very sexually attractive. I think having sex with [either of] you would be a great treat for me."

"You wanna come home?"

American Pie - "Suck me, beautiful."

Anger Management - "Can I buy you a drink? I'm sorry I was so rude before... but... it's difficult for me... to... express myself... when I am on the verge of... exploding in my pants."

Knocked Up - "Just tryin' not to stare..."

Michael Cera on David Letterman (july10/08)

Bored, just watching youtube, came across this entertaining interview on David Letterman with Michael Cera

Afrika Trailer

This game for PS3 called "Afrika" or "Hakuna Matata" (in some countries) is one relatively similar to Pokemon Snap, back in the day for those who remember. A wildlife sim (that ties in with Discovery and National Geographic), where you are an aspiring wildlife photographer. I think it looks great, I love the trailer, the musical soundtrack ontop of it, just makes the whole thing look absolutely great. It really appeals to the casual gamer side of me. Check it out!!

new Resident Evil 5 Trailer

Okay, I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on the PS3 version of Resident Evil 5, or Dead Rising on the PS3, like after watching I Am Legend, just wanna do co op and kill some mad zombies or somethin!!

South Park

I recently watched the web sitcom Clark and Michael, Freaks and Geeks, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This has made me think of two actors from Superbad, Michael Cera and Jonah Hill. I think if there was ever a live acted South Park movie where the characters are a little older, like in high school for example, I think Jonah Hill would make a decent Eric Cartman, and Michael Cera would make a decent Kyle Broflovski, as for Stan and Kenny, I dunno...just my thoughts.

Clark and Michael

I was surfin the net, and I watched this preview clip of a CBS web sitcom called "Clark and Michael" which stars, Clark Duke(small part in Superbad, and Cera's BFF) and Michael Cera (Arrested Development, Superbad) as two aspiring producers/writers who believe their own hype regarding the big idea for a TV show, but do little in the way of actually making the program, here's a preview:

Watch Episodes at

UPDATE: Almost done the episodes that are available to watch, it's a really great show, love it. Expect to see cameos by familiar faces!!

Playstation Network

feel free to add!

Revisiting the World of Rapture

Originally released last year on the PC/360, BioShock is a narrative-driven action experience that allows players to do the impossible as they journey through an amazing, immersive and terrifying world. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically mutated citizens, the player will come to grips with the mysterious and fascinating world of Rapture, a distinct Art Deco underwater utopia gone mad. BioShock not only challenges players' capacity to adapt and survive, but brings to question their values and relationships with the inhabitants of Rapture. With smart and adaptive AI, no encounter ever plays out the same way twice, while numerous customization options provide gamers with an experience that adapts to their playing style. I can't wait to play this game again, I kind of want to buy it, since I know it's an amazing game, but I already sort of beat it. Bioshock for the PS3 will be available on October 21 2008.


Here is a trailer, and simulated gameplay of what was an upcoming PS3 title that looked very promising. It looks insane,but it's a cgi trailer that basically shows what the game should look like, Motorstorm did that and it looks basically the same, and Killzone 2 is happening like that too. I still can't believe why they cancelled this game!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School Pt 2

$49.99 - Technical track jacket from the North Face, with contrast striping down the sleeves. Versatile easy-wear shell; rib knit collar, cuffs and hem; welt pockets at the front; high-density logo at the chest; logo zipper pull. Imported. Machine wash from Urban Outfitters

$24.50 - Classic Fit Solid Pique Polo, crisp, cool, and perfect for any day. Love the colour too, retro 80s flare, diggin.
This and a random assortment of Graphic T's from AE and i'll be set, also cords

Movies I Want (Blu Ray)

-007 Casino Royale
-Batman Begins
-Fight Club
-Iron Man*
-The Incredible Hulk*
-Open Season
-Speed Racer*

Drinks Vs Drinks

Since the dawn of man, drinking has become a way Okay, I'm going to discuss, things like Mixed Drinks Vs Beers. Beer is supposedly the man's drink, but who decided this? society? Why isn't it okay for guys to like a drink that clearly tastes better, and which you can alter the alcohol content to your desire. I like mixed drinks, they taste great, i can get drunk as fast or as slow as I want to, but at what cost? my manhood? uughh. Beer is great I don't mind it, but it comes across as bitter compared to sweet mixed drinks or coolers. Who can deny a blueberry rum cooler? Why is it okay to have jager bombs? cuz the youtube video has a bunch of gino guys drinking it? tisk tisk.
I'll drink whatever I want to, and I don't care what you call me. Coolers, mixed drinks, cocktails, jager bombs, beers, ales, brewskies...we must look past their labels, these drinks are designed with one common goal in mind, to get us wasted for the good and sake of partying. Drink Responsibily, cheers.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

With recent PS3 Trophy Support, and after being on the market for over a year, you'd think the price for this baby would drop. Wrong, it's still $59.99 and the preowned copies are $54.99, WTF. I really want this game, its gorgeous, and made by the same great people that brought us the original Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter series. With a score of 9.4/10 from IGN, the only thing bogging it down is it's approx. 10 hr play time, however i still want this game badly. I really showcases the power of the PS3 and just scratches the surface of what can be done. Here's an interesting video below about facial animation work that can be found in Uncharted, and gawd i hope the price goes down

The Office

First of all, this show is absolutely amazing, and hilarious. If you haven't watched this show, get started. I was skeptical of this show at first, my friend told me to watch it last year, and i just shrugged it off, but then I sat down with a friend some odd monthes ago, and I absolutely cracked up, and watched all 4 seasons so far, and it's my favourite show. Please do yourself a huge favour, check this show out, here's a treat for those who love The Office already:

Games That Should Make Their Return To PS3

Seeing games like Ratchet and Clank make it's transition onto PS3 was amazing: animation, visuals, and witty humour along with story telling that rivals Pixar, its a wonderful thing. It makes me think of all the other games that were on PS2 that need to make a comeback.
Zone of Enders 3 - Konami's mech game, produced and developed by the same people behind Metal Gear Solid, nuff said

Twisted Metal - The series began in 1995, and is the 140th best selling video game franchise. We'll be seeing this one very soon

Jak and Daxter - From the people that brought us the visually breathtaking and cinematic Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, I want to see Jak and Daxter in HD with a story and look that will blur the line between Games and Pixar films

Sly Cooper - This one needs to make a return!

Final Fantasy VII Remake - Fans around the world want to see a Playstation 3 remake of this modern classic. Unforgettable characters and a rich universe begging to be revisisted and experienced by gamers everywhere. Since Sony published the game, it has to be exclusive

Kingdom Hearts 3 - I want to see moer Pirates of the Carribean in this, some Mighty Ducks, and some Pixar worlds like Ratatouille and The Incredibles. More of everything!

Dino Crisis - It's everything that Jurassic Park wishes it could be. And if you're going to waste the light-gun peripheral on shit like Time Crisis 4, then at least try making a GOOD game with it. Dino Crisis is long overdue for a revival, and Turok just doesn't provide the right kind of human-versus-dinosaur combat.

Bushido Blade - One-on-one sword combat never got the professional treatment it deserved until Bushido Blade hit the scene. With various weapons to select, strict rules of combat, and a pretty compelling set of characters, it's a wonder that no Bushido sequel has been made for the PS3, been waiting for a samurai game

Legend of Dragoon - One of the most underrated games in the PlayStation library, The Legend of Dragoon was an RPG that had a refreshing combat system, relying on timed button presses and a bit of strategy. Also, it was really fucking cool to watch your character transform into a mythic, winged warrior. While the game wrapped things up nicely, there's plenty of room in a prequel to tell the story of Rose and her past life as the Black Dragoon.

Fear Effect 3 - PS3 sequel to the psone hit

Others: Dark Cloud 3, Onimusha, Ape Escape, War of the Monsters, MediEvil

I'm Bored..."That's What She Said"

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Must Have Music

This is a post that will be around here more often, appropriately titled "Must Have Music." I will talk about a musician, band or artist in each of these segments, and why they are a must have for people who are open to all types of music, of any genre.

Today's Must Have:

Where The Light Is (2008)
John Mayer

Must Download:
1. Neon
2. Daughters
3. Free Fallin'
4. Vultures
5. Bold as Love
6. Waiting on the World to Change
7. Why Georgia

Working Out

So last month, I watched those infomercials, and this one was pretty good, P90X "Extreme Workout" which involves 90 days of intense physical excercise, and it shows these people, that become ripped within the 1st week and are like, carved out of stone at the end. I'm thinking, "hey ill be happy with the first week results!". However i merely downloaded one part, the midsection part called "Ab Ripper X", which involves ab/core workouts for about 15 minutes, initially I didn't watch it, and merely let it sit somewhere in my downloads file.

However i went to workout with my dad in the local gym, and decided to do sit ups, and felt results, and saw the faint outline of what could be my midsection!! So i kept on it, this time, with the Ab Ripper X video, I've been doing this workout for a week now, and feel better than ever, and i somehow lost 4-5 lbs. Now i'm incorporating more workouts in, like lower body workouts, and upper body to strengthen my chest and arms.

Inspiration came from wanting to look good for girls, I'm not fat, and i've had enough girls call me "cute" to warrant myself "not bad". But i dont really have a toned body, so now im workin on that. So "epic win" for working out and stayin fit!

Back to School Pt 1

Alright, just thinkin bout some back to school shopping to do. I think this AE Plaid Bomber Jacket is a bit stylish, reminds me of a baseball jacket, that slight gangsta fly-ness that can be compliment by unbaggy jeans, and a new era true fit cap.

I also really gotta get this New Era True Fit, Blue Jays cap. A 59Fifty's take on a classy white on white cap, with the recent Jays & MLB logo, white hat can compliment white shoes right?

These Adidas Originals' Sprack shoes are something that I would want to get, they definately beat my current sneakers, but still, nothing beats my old Rob Dyrdek DC signature shoes...that has pictures of shoes on them.
This concludes my Part 1 list of things really want to get when i go back to school, PEACE